Honecker played a show with Emperor-X and AJJ (formerly known as Andrew Jackson Jihad) this Thursday. We were lucky enough to chill out with the bands at a nice cabin in Halden before their next show in Gothenburg. We used the opportunity to ask AJJ about what albums they are recommending right now! (We asked Chad from Emperor-X too, but he was busy and found the question a bit too difficult).
Sean Bonnette (guitar and vocals)
I’d like to recommend the album The Scream by an artist called Cameron Michaels. Our friend and sometimes drummer, Chase Kamp, recommended that we listened to this album at the beginning of our European tour. To quote our tour manager Mark: «It’s one of the most interesting things we’ve heard in a while». The album was kinda pieces together with a computer using lots of plugins and virtual drummer and stuff. At the bottom of it all it got a lot of heart and lyrical density. Really catchy melodies that are sung kind of in a not confident way, but that is all part of the charm of it. So I recommend The Scream by Cameron Michaels.
Ben Gallaty (Bass and vocals)
Mark Glick (Cello and tour manager)
I recommend the newest record… Well technically it’s not the newest record because they already put out something else in the two month since it came out. But the newest full length from The Body that is not a collaboration. The album is called I Fought Against It, But I… forgot the rest of the name (I Fought Against It, But I Can’t Any Longer). So they are this incredible drony noise rock, like heavy band, that have always done this sludgy and heavy shit. But this one incorporated like women singing operatically and a bunch of weird electronics – I’ve started to call it «nightmare trap». Yeah, it’s fucking sick and so apocalyptic sounding. Perfect for 2018! Summer vibes for 2018: I Fought Against It, But I Can’t Any Longer.